Earth Fibrex is a time tested enterprises which had a record track experience
of its genuine Capacities & Outstanding service abilities which had etched the marks in its class
and genre that brings its products to stand out of the box with its matchless quality. It is a team
build on the faith & strength of its technical expertise with the research that makes its
fundamental quality to endeavor meeting tomorrows challenges & potentials. Catering with our best
need of the clients for their class services and respects we commit our market potentials and
enhance our skills for the best of our capabilities. We respect the challenges in this highly
competitive environment but understand the care of our clients & set our benchmarks in our services
& journey.
We best acclaim & welcome the suggestions & the feedbacks caring and nurturing the every
sentiment while our products are being useful in forging their accomplishments of their projects
serving their dreams. We are therefore very customer friendly while achieving our goals and
aspirations with your strengthening cooperation’s with our visions for the safer future: for the
better tomorrow. Thus we stand with our efforts and persistence as our arms for securing your
future and protecting your fears. We stand bold and courageous…….We are the Steel
Fibers. Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is a composite material which essentially consists
of conventional concrete reinforced by random dispersal of short, fine steel fibers of specific
geometry. The role of these in the cement based matrix is rather complex. Essentially these fibers
act as crack arresters, restricting the development of cracks and thus transforming an inherently
brittle material with its low tensile strength and impact resistant, into a strong composite with
superior. Considering the importance of concrete in pavement construction and in view of its well
known weakness in tension and against impact, SFRC is suitable material to be used for pavement and overlay construction. SFRC has extra strength in flexural fatigue and impact as compared to plain cement concrete. All these properties are the requirements needed for concrete pavement for
highways, bridge deck and runway or taxiway to maintain high quality and smooth riding surface
without irregular depressions.

SFRC Has been used in a number of highway pavement and bridge deck surfaces and airport pavements.